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David “Bru” Brubaker, Brig Gen, USAF (Ret)

Senior Advisor

David “Bru” Brubaker is a Senior Advisor at the Patriot Group. Prior to retirement, General Brubaker served as the Deputy Director of the Air National Guard, Pentagon. General Brubaker was appointed to this position shortly after September 11, 2001 and soon thereafter became the acting Director of the Air National Guard during its largest mobilization since WWII. He was responsible for the Air Guard’s 110,000 member’s monumental response to the Global War on Terrorism while simultaneously conducting the challenging day-to-day business of the ANG. He served as the acting Director until June 2002. As the Deputy Director, he assisted the Director with the support of current wartime operations and the transformation of the ANG.

General Brubaker was also the Commander of the Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve Command Test Center (AATC) in Tucson, Arizona. He led this elite organization with a focus on the warfighter’s needs and significantly improved the readiness and relevancy of all units. General Brubaker also served as the Director for Acquisitions for the ANG and Advisor to Air Combat Command for requirements. Under his leadership, the ANG began a period of extensive modernization of its equipment and aircraft, including night vision systems, targeting pods, improved self-defense systems, avionics, and data links. His vision and innovative approach to requirements and acquisitions vastly reduced bureaucracy and enabled the fielding of combat ready capabilities in record time.

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